вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Good Sexual Health Must Be A Priority

Health Minister, Michael McGimpsey has welcomed a paper published by the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) about sexual health.
The NICCY report highlights the need to develop appropriate sexual health services for young people and calls for the implementation of a sexual health strategy.
Commenting on the report, the Minister said: “There is no doubt that sexual health in Northern Ireland is poor. Teenage pregnancies rates are high, but have been decreasing, while the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are growing, resulting in greater demand for services.
“The NICCY report highlights the need for a sexual health strategy. My Department has developed a Sexual Health Promotion Strategy which I hope to publish before the summer recess, subject to Executive approval. The strategy aims to improve, protect and promote the sexual health and wellbeing of the population, with young people under 25 years, especially those who are looked after or leaving care, identified as a priority group.”
Targets included in the Strategy include: increasing the number of teenagers delaying sexual activity; reducing the rate of births to teenage mothers; reducing the incidence of STIs; and reducing the access time to Genito Urinary Medicine GUM clinics to two working days.
“The Minister continued: “The strategy focuses on four areas – prevention, training, services and research. It recognises the need for positive and accurate information about sexual health and emphasises the importance of respect and responsibility.
“It is vital that young people have access to information about sexual health so that they can make informed choices. It is also essential that services are in place for those who need them. To that end, I have made an extra 250,000 available during 2007/08 for Genito Urinary Medicine. The four Health Boards were also given a target of ensuring that all patients assessed as clinically urgent should be seen within two working days. This target has been largely achieved.”
In addition, since 2003 the Department has made funding available to the Boards to implement actions in line with the draft Strategy. In 2007/08 the Department made available 440,000 to the Boards and 200,000 to the Health Promotion Agency to support work on sexual health promotion. A further 400,000 was given to the Boards to support work in line with the Teenage Pregnancy & Parenthood Strategy and Action Plan.
Concluding the Minister said: “The health consequences of STIs or teenage pregnancies can have a significant and detrimental impact on those affected, both emotionally and physically. Good sexual health promotion must be a priority for the entire population and we must all work together to ensure this happens.”

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